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New Release

"One Step Behind" is now available!

Please help us make our new book a success by writing a short review after purchase!

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Support Beads of Courage® by ordering   a hardcover through their online gift shop!

*Our NICU Journey is also available through Barnes and Nobel, and *

*Author signed copies and bulk orders can be made by contacting us at

NICU Reading Programs

Want to start a little library or reading program in your local NICU?

We would love to help share the benefits of reading to newborns with your local hospital!  Contact us for more information about getting started!

Inside Features of Our NICU Journey Keepsake Book

It's A Love Letter to the NICU Community

Our NICU Journey is a love letter to your NICU miracle and to NICU families.  Remember that you are not alone.

It's Great For Parents of Multiples

This book is perfect for parents with one child or multiples.

A Perfect Keepsake or Going Home Gift

Record special details about your journey, document special first, and remember your healthcare team with signature pages.

Personalize Your Book

Personalize your book by documenting your family's journey. 

Record Important Milestones

Celebrate each victory by recording your miracle's special firsts.

Remember Your Team

Remember the ones who helped bring your little one(s) home. Pages dedicated to Guests and Health Team Members make this book a favored NICU keepsake. 

    Please contact for bulk orders:

*We discount for care packages and NICU book donations!*


"Our NICU Journey is a sweet NICU book for families to read to any child.  Whether or not you have a NICU baby, you can enjoy this story and your children will too.  Spreading awareness on NICU stays is very important and this is why I love this book.  I also love the literature, it rhymes!  Super cute book art to capture the attention of little eyes, short and sweet."

NICU.mamas Foundation

Parent of a NICU graduate

"As a fellow NICU parent seeing that someone took their struggles and made them into a supportive book is truly amazing! I am proud to have been given the option to read this book and will recommend to fellow NICU parents for years to come!"

Amber M.

Nicu Parent

Sarah Ward writes a charming and loving account of her premature twins' NICU stay. With rhyme and dignity, she reveals the depth and strength of their journey. This book is a blessing to all the families affected by premature birth and she brings strength and hope to them. The watercolor illustrations are a beautiful complement to the deeply emotional story. Written as a love poem to the children, Our NICU Journey will be treasured for years. The resources listed at the end of the book and the journaling pages will be most helpful to families experiencing this process. Kudos to Sarah Ward for her efforts to bring hope and strength to others! 

Elizabeth S.

Amazon Review

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